500 Words
500 Words
Ep 01 - On a Call With Joel Goodman

Ep 01 - On a Call With Joel Goodman

This is Episode 01 of On a Call With, a mini-podcast about creativity available exclusively for subscribers of this email. As I post more episodes you’ll always have access to the archive online.

On a Call With Composer Joel Goodman

Joel has scored more than a hundred films and TV productions that have received five Oscar nominations, 20 Emmy Awards, and 30 Emmy nominations. You’ll be hearing his music in my upcoming podcast drama Privacy Pod, which, by the way, is casting now. You can experience Joel’s music in films like Being Elmo, many episodes of American Masters and American Experience, Obit, and also Outside the Bubble: On the Road with Alexandra Pelosi.

Joel answers my questions about how he starts his workday, why bike rides are important, his sources of inspiration, where creativity comes from, and why he loves composing music. Creative work is life-affirming for him. The podcast is eleven minutes long, suitable for listening to while you are waiting for brunch to start.

About On a Call With…

This podcast is literally a call. Like, a phone call. Editing: minimal. Underscore, promos, and stings: None. It’s more notebook than book, more jam than song, more of a sketchbook than a painting. I offer it to you to help get inside how people live their creative lives and hear their story in their own words. Making it a phone call makes it easy to do, both for me and for the guest.

Thanks for listening,


Oh, and if you would prefer to read rather than listen, I posted a new 500 Words about Working With Pets.

500 Words
500 Words
500 Words is a podcast about living a creative life. Short-form interviews with creative people from film, music, design, multi-media and more. Conducted by Lee Schneider.